Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meet my Favorite "Child"

Meet (one of) my top favorite statement pieces of all time..

I am a Kate Spade junky. I love any and all things that woman makes. If I could, I would buy everything from her website (my bedroom set and china from my wedding are from Kate Spade, but I digress).

Early this year, I found this wonderful bag in an ad in a magazine. I died. I needed to have it. It came in a variety of colors, including hot pink, white, black, & CORAL. Now, I have a fabulous white bag & 2 fabulous black bags. I needed something that would be the ultimate spring and summer bag!

However, sometimes spending a nice junk of change on a bright CORAL bag vs. a black or white one, can seem a little unwise. BUT YOU NEED TO IGNORE THIS! Hot pink or Coral were the only options!

So after using my 20% Zappos coupon I received from taking a tour of their wonderful headquarters, I was the proud owner of this happy baby!

My Fiance even told me, "That bag is violent!"
Me: "You mean vibrant."
Fiance: "No, that s@#$" is bright, I meant violent!"

However, without fail, I get stopped a minimum of 2 times every time I take it out. Men and women both stop me and compliment and ask me where did I get it, who made it, etc.

And I happily continue on my way giving myself an inner high-5!

Moral of the Story: if you own your staple bags in: Brown, Black, and White the CORAL IS THE ONLY OPTION!

(Outfits with my baby will be coming soon!)

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